Truck Accidents

Truck Accidents

Virginia Truck Accident Lawyers

Sharing the road with tractor-trailers is a daily occurrence for many drivers. These regular encounters can turn dangerous or even deadly when faulty equipment, shifting or falling loads, or driver fatigue cause catastrophic crashes.

For months or even years after a collision, the resulting injuries can prevent you from living the life you are used to, which can lead to frustration, fear, and uncertainty about the future. At times, it may feel as though you have more questions than answers. How will I pay my mounting medical bills? How will I support my family while I recover? What about my job? Do I need a lawyer to help me?

The team of Virginia Tractor-Trailer Accident lawyers at Allen & Allen understands it can feel like your life has been shattered after an accident. We have made it our mission to help you put the pieces back together. Call us at 866-962-3527 for a free review of your potential truck accident case.

Why Hire Allen & Allen for your Virginia Truck Accident Claim?

When considering legal representation for your Virginia truck accident claim, choosing Allen & Allen is a decision rooted in experience, locality, and a proven track record. Our team of seasoned attorneys is deeply familiar with Virginia law, bringing a localized understanding that is crucial in navigating the complexities of your case. With a focus on trucking accident claims, we boast extensive experience in handling intricate truck accident cases involving large commercial vehicles.

What sets Allen & Allen apart is our legal prowess and commitment to the local community. As your neighbors, we are dedicated to ensuring you receive the justice you deserve. Our trucking accident attorneys combine their in-depth knowledge of Virginia law with a compassionate approach, providing you with not only effective legal representation but also understanding and support during what can be a challenging time. Trust Allen & Allen to be your advocates, guiding you through the legal process with confidence and competence. Contact us today to meet with a Virginia truck accident attorney.

What Should You Do In the Event of a Tractor-Trailer Accident?

In the event of a tractor-trailer accident, it’s crucial to prioritize safety and take specific steps to protect yourself and your legal interests. Firstly, ensure the safety of all involved parties by moving to a secure location away from traffic, if possible. Contact emergency services immediately to report the accident and seek medical attention for any injuries. Exchange information with the truck driver, including names, contact details, and insurance information. Document the scene by taking photos of the vehicles, license plates, and any visible damages. Collect contact information from any witnesses.

Avoid discussing fault or making statements that could be construed as an admission of guilt. Once you’ve gathered the necessary information, consult with a qualified attorney experienced in handling truck accident cases. Seeking legal advice early in the process can help protect your rights and ensure you take appropriate steps to pursue a potential claim for damages. Remember, it’s essential to stay calm, prioritize safety, and seek professional guidance promptly.
Man with his arm in a cast pointing to a truck and talking with two men

While the circumstances behind every collision are different, one fact holds true for all—the time immediately following the crash can be stressful and confusing. Our convenient Glove Compartment Quick Reference Guide is an invaluable aid to help steer you through the crucial steps to t3ake right after an accident.

Another handy source of advice about what to do after a crash is our online question-and-answer guide, “What Should I Do at the Scene of a Car or Truck Accident?” Both of these resources were created by our team of personal injury attorneys with your protection in mind.

How Can a Virginia Truck Accident Lawyer Help Me?

Many insurance companies will contact you as early as the day after a crash to obtain a recorded statement about your injuries and your accident.

Before speaking with any insurance company representatives, you can help to protect yourself by contacting an attorney at Allen & Allen to discuss your situation. If you have a case, our experienced attorneys can help you:

  • Recover damages you are entitled to from the negligent driver’s insurance company.
  • Pursue uninsured or underinsured motorist coverage and medical payments coverage from your own insurance company.
  • Obtain a fair settlement offer for damages through negotiation.
  • Collect evidence may need to be presented to protect your claim to appropriate financial compensation for your injuries.

Accidents involving tractor-trailers should be carefully handled by attorneys with the specialized skills and experience to protect you from trucking companies and their resources. Those companies, to protect their own best interests, will often deploy investigators to a crash site immediately in order to build a case that the accident was not caused by the truck driver.

Giving a statement to the insurance company might not in your best interest. You are under no legal obligation to provide such a statement, and if you do, it could be used against you during the settlement process.

Who May Be Held Liable for a Virginia Truck Accident?

Determining liability in a truck accident involves assessing various factors, and multiple parties may be held responsible. Potentially liable parties include the truck driver, the trucking company, the truck manufacturer, maintenance contractors, and even the entity responsible for loading the cargo.

In Virginia, laws such as contributory negligence can impact a claim. Virginia follows a strict contributory negligence rule, meaning if the injured party is found even partially at fault for the accident, they may be barred from recovering damages. This makes it crucial to establish a clear case of liability against the responsible parties.

Additionally, Virginia has specific regulations governing commercial vehicles and trucking companies. Violations of these regulations, such as hours-of-service violations or improper maintenance, can be key factors in establishing liability.

Navigating the legal intricacies of a truck accident in Virginia requires a thorough understanding of both general liability principles and the specific regulations governing the trucking industry in the state. Consulting with an attorney experienced in truck accident law is essential to build a strong case and pursue fair compensation for damages.

What Are Common Truck Accident Injuries?

Truck accidents can result in a range of injuries due to the size and force involved in collisions, especially when a large truck tangles with a passenger vehicle. Common truck accident injuries include:

  • Whiplash and Neck Injuries: Rapid back-and-forth movement in a collision can cause neck injuries, commonly known as whiplash.
  • Spinal Cord Injuries: Severe accidents may lead to spinal cord injuries, affecting mobility and sensation.
  • Head Injuries: Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) can occur from the impact, potentially leading to long-term cognitive issues.
  • Fractures and Broken Bones: The force of a truck collision can cause fractures and breaks in various bones.
  • Internal Injuries: Organ damage or internal bleeding may result from the impact, requiring immediate medical attention.
  • Soft Tissue Injuries: Injuries to muscles, ligaments, and tendons can cause pain and limit mobility.
  • Burns: If the accident involves a fire or hazardous materials, burns can be a significant risk.
  • Psychological Trauma: Emotional distress, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common after a traumatic truck accident.

Seeking prompt medical attention is crucial after a truck accident, even if injuries seem minor initially. Documenting injuries and following a treatment plan is essential for health and strengthens any potential legal claims for compensation. A lawyer familiar with Virginia truck accidents and personal injury law is a valuable advocate.

Damages Available for Truck Accident Claims

Under Virginia law, you may be entitled to monetary damages if you have been injured through the negligence or recklessness of another person. If you’ve been injured in a serious truck accident, or if someone was tragically killed, damages may include reimbursement or compensation for:

  • Past medical costs
  • Future medical costs
  • Pain, suffering, and inconvenience
  • Lost wages
  • Loss of economic opportunity

In the unfortunate event of wrongful death resulting from a truck accident, additional damages may apply. Wrongful death damages often cover funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial support, and the emotional toll on the surviving family members.

  • Funeral expenses
  • Grief

Navigating the complexities of a truck accident claim requires experienced legal representation to ensure that all applicable damages are identified and pursued. If you find yourself in such a situation, seeking the guidance of knowledgeable truck accident attorneys can be crucial in obtaining the compensation you deserve while providing support during a difficult time.

Why Choose Allen & Allen?

The attorneys at Allen & Allen have more than 600 years of combined experience handling car accident cases. Over our firm’s 100 year history, we have handled many complex and devastating collision cases with victims sustaining injuries ranging from broken bones to spinal cord or traumatic brain injuries. Allen & Allen is a family firm built on compassionate service. We are committed to protecting our clients throughout their recovery and will fight for the fair treatment and compensation they deserve.

  • Case result: Attorney Jason Konvicka secured $22 million for a vehicle crash with a dump truck, resulting in the catastrophic injury and subsequently permanent brain injury of a 12 year-old boy.
  • Case Result: In a record-breaking settlement, attorneys in Richmond obtained $47.5 million on behalf of a young woman catastrophically injured by a commercial vehicle. This case is the largest single-plaintiff settlement in Virginia history.
  • Attorney P. Christopher Guedri secured $23 million on behalf of a tractor-trailer driver who, after rear-ending another rig, suffered a traumatic brain injury and the loss of his leg.

Contact Allen & Allen for a free consultation to evaluate your potential truck accident claim. Call our firm at 866-962-3527 or fill our our convenient online contact form.

Office Locations for Tractor Trailer Accident Cases

Tractor Trailer Accident Resources

Injury Types

Catastrophic Injuries

Any injury that affects the functioning of the spine, spinal cord, skull, or brain can lead to limited cognitive functioning and mobility. Permanent disabilities as a result of a severe automobile crash can have a major impact on a victim's quality of life and financial means.


When the damage to the spinal cord is classified as a "complete" injury to the spine, nerve sensation and voluntary movement is diminished, resulting in paralysis. A victim of a car accident with this type of injury will have to deal with physical limitations for the rest of their lives, often limiting them financially as well.

Spinal Injuries

Upon impact in an auto accident, the spine and spinal cord can experience damaging compression that can lead to bone breakage or nerve damage. A spinal cord injury can lead to extensive medical and rehabilitation costs and can impact the quality of life of a victim forever.

Wrongful Death

The death of a family member due to a fatal accident caused by someone else's negligence can be emotionally and financially devastating. While families are left trying to cope with a tragedy, Allen & Allen can help you recover damages through reimbursement or compensation for the dramatic changes that will follow.

Tractor Trailer Accident Resources

Root cause of trucking accidents: Violating safety regulations

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Dorothy from Richmond

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What to do after a car or truck accident

The moments after a car or truck accident can be overwhelming and frightening. As you process the shock of the collision and assess your well-being, a flood of questions and...

What to do after a truck accident

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Truck and tractor-trailer crashes are among the most devastating incidents on the road. The sheer size and weight of the vehicles can make the aftermath of these accidents overwhelming.  Those...

The Dangers of Interstate 81 in Virginia 

  • January 26, 2024
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Stretching 325 miles from Winchester in the north to Bristol in the south, Interstate 81 is the longest interstate highway in Virginia. It’s also the primary corridor for economic activity moving through...

Driverless tractor-trailers: Advancements and concerns for Virginia

  • October 10, 2023
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