About Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen

About Us

I Am an Allen

Allen, Allen, Allen, & Allen is a personal injury law firm with over 110 years of experience protecting the injured. Our firm was established in 1910 by George E. Allen and, though it has grown exponentially over the last century, our team remains dedicated to George’s founding mission to serve those in need.

Today, a compassionate team comprised of over 40 attorneys and a skilled support staff provide aggressive advocacy and counsel for the legal rights and interests of injured persons. For example, Allen & Allen secured the largest single-plaintiff settlement in Virginia history, at $47.5 million dollars. We are driven by a commitment to service, both to our clients and our community, and that commitment is reflected in everything we do. This is what we mean when we say, “I am an Allen.”

“The more of our lives we give to others, the fuller and the richer, the greater and the grander, the more beautiful and more happy our own lives become…our love, our service, our helpfulness to others invariably comes back to us.” –George E. Allen, Sr.

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