Construction Accidents

Construction Accidents

Virginia construction accident lawyer

Helping you navigate the aftermath of a construction accident

Construction sites are inherently dangerous places, and accidents happen all too frequently. Injured construction workers may rely on workers’ compensation benefits to cover their injuries and lost wages, or they could have a third-party claim against negligent contractors, subcontractors, and others—even their own employer in certain circumstances.

Additionally, those who don’t work in construction can still suffer injuries or fatalities in construction-related accidents. An object could fall from a building as you’re walking down the sidewalk, or a large piece of construction machinery could cause an accident that injures you.

If you suffered injuries or lost a loved one in a construction accident in Virginia, you may be feeling a range of emotions as you deal with your physical and financial challenges.

You need an experienced Virginia construction accident lawyer to advise you of your rights and options to hold the at-fault party accountable and help you get the compensation you need.

At Allen & Allen, we know what you’re going through. Our personal injury law firm has served injured people throughout Virginia for more than 100 years.

We have extensive experience handling construction accident claims and helping our clients secure their rightful workers’ compensation benefits or obtain compensation through third-party claims. We can review your case at no cost and help you determine the best course of action.

You can also rely on us for impassioned advocacy and support throughout the process to improve your chances of getting the justice and compensation you deserve.

Contact us today for a free consultation.

Why work with Allen & Allen for your Virginia construction accident claim

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Choosing the right law firm to represent you in your construction accident claim is a crucial decision that can significantly impact the outcome of your case. At Allen & Allen, we have a proven track record of successfully handling complex construction accident cases throughout Virginia.

Here are just a few reasons why our clients trust us with their most critical legal matters:

  • Deep understanding of Virginia construction accident laws: Our attorneys have an in-depth knowledge of the state and federal regulations governing construction sites, as well as the nuances of Virginia’s personal injury and workers’ compensation laws. This knowledge allows us to build strong cases and effectively advocate for our clients’ rights.
  • Extensive resources and network of experts: Construction accident cases often require extensive investigation, documentation, and expert testimony. Our firm has the resources and connections necessary to gather critical evidence, consult with industry experts, and present a compelling case on your behalf.
  • Personalized attention and support: We understand that every construction accident case is unique, and every client has individual needs and concerns. Our attorneys take the time to listen to your story, answer your questions, and develop a tailored legal strategy that aligns with your goals and priorities.
  • Commitment to client success: At Allen & Allen, we measure our success by the positive results we achieve for our clients. We work diligently to secure the maximum compensation possible for your injuries, lost wages, medical expenses, and other damages. Let us handle all the legal aspects so you can focus on your recovery.
  • No upfront fees: Our lawyers know that construction accident victims and their families are often facing significant financial strain. That’s why we offer free initial consultations and handle cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that you won’t owe any attorney fees unless and until we secure compensation for you through a settlement or court award.

Turn to the experienced Virginia construction accident lawyers at Allen & Allen to provide the legal advice, guidance, and advocacy you need during this difficult and uncertain time.

Discover the difference we can make in your Virginia construction accident case by contacting us and requesting a free case evaluation. Your fight is our fight, and we’re ready to assist you in any way we can.

How can one of your injury attorneys help me get compensation?

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Our Virginia personal injury attorneys can be immensely helpful in securing compensation for you if you sustained an injury or lost a close family member in a Virginia construction accident. This is true whether you’re pursuing a workers’ compensation claim or a personal injury claim resulting from someone else’s negligence or wrongful actions.

Here are some ways we can assist you:

  • Investigating and Gathering Evidence: Your attorney and their legal team will thoroughly investigate your accident and gather relevant evidence to support your claim and build a solid case. This can include police reports, medical records, witness statements, photographs, and more.
  • Identifying Liable Parties: In some construction accident cases, multiple parties may share liability. Your lawyer will work to identify all potentially responsible parties, such as negligent contractors, property owners or site managers, product manufacturers, equipment operators, and anyone else who may be responsible.
  • Calculating Damages: A skilled injury attorney from our firm will assess the full extent of your economic and non-economic damages, including medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and lost quality of life. They will work with experts to project future costs and losses.
  • Negotiating with Insurance Companies: Insurance adjusters often try to settle claims for the lowest amount possible. Your attorney will handle all communications and aggressively negotiate with insurers to pursue a fair settlement that adequately compensates you.
  • Filing a Lawsuit: If the insurance company or at-fault party refuses to offer a fair settlement through negotiations, your injury lawyer can file a lawsuit on your behalf and represent you in court. They will handle all the complex legal procedures and present compelling arguments before a judge and jury if necessary.

Throughout the legal process, your attorney will offer support and advice, answer your questions, and help you make informed decisions. Their goal is to alleviate the stress and burden of pursuing compensation while fighting zealously to maximize your financial recovery.

Common types of construction accidents

Derrick Walker, Jason Konvicka, and James Kessel

Construction sites are dynamic environments where workers face a wide range of potential hazards.

Some of the most common types of construction accidents include:

  • Falls from heights: Falls from ladders, scaffolding, roofs, and other elevated surfaces are a leading cause of construction worker injuries and fatalities.
  • Struck-by accidents: Workers can be struck by falling objects, swinging equipment, or moving vehicles on construction sites.
  • Caught-in/between accidents: These accidents occur when workers are caught or compressed between two objects, such as heavy machinery or collapsing structures.
  • Electrocution: Contact with exposed wiring, power lines, or faulty electrical equipment can result in severe burns, shock, or death.
  • Trench collapses: Workers can be buried or suffocated when trenches or excavations collapse due to improper shoring or safety practices.
  • Overexertion: Lifting heavy objects, repetitive motions, and working in extreme temperatures can lead to heat stroke, dehydration, and musculoskeletal disorders.

Common causes of construction accidents

Most construction accidents result from preventable factors such as:

  • Inadequate safety training: Employers have a responsibility to provide workers with comprehensive safety training and ensure that all workers understand and follow proper safety protocols.
  • Lack of personal protective equipment (PPE): Hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, and other PPE are essential for protecting workers from hazards on the job site.
  • Defective or poorly maintained equipment: Malfunctioning machinery, tools, or vehicles can lead to catastrophic accidents and injuries.
  • Unsafe working conditions: Cluttered walkways, unguarded openings, and other hazardous conditions can create unnecessary risks for workers.
  • Negligent hiring or supervision: Contractors who fail to properly vet or supervise their employees may be liable for accidents caused by unqualified or reckless workers.

Fatal construction accidents

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Tragically, construction accidents can sometimes result in the loss of life. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), construction is one of the most dangerous industries in the United States, accounting for a significant portion of all workplace fatalities each year.

If you’ve lost a loved one in a fatal construction accident, no words can adequately express the depth of your grief and the magnitude of your loss.

At Allen & Allen, we approach these cases with the utmost compassion and sensitivity, working to help families secure the financial resources they need to cope with the unexpected loss of a breadwinner and begin the healing process.

In Virginia, certain family members may file a wrongful death claim seeking compensation for losses such as:

  • Funeral and burial expenses
  • Loss of future income and benefits
  • Loss of companionship, guidance, and support
  • Mental anguish and emotional suffering

Our attorneys can help you understand your legal rights and options during this incredibly difficult time, and fight to hold negligent parties accountable for their actions.

We can assist with helping you navigate a wrongful death claim or survival action if you qualify. We can also help you obtain death benefits through workers’ compensation.

Workers’ compensation for construction accidents

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In Virginia, most employers are required to carry workers’ compensation insurance to provide benefits to employees who are injured on the job. If you’ve been hurt in a construction accident, you may be entitled to workers’ compensation benefits regardless of who was at fault for the accident.

These benefits can include:

  • Medical expenses: Coverage for all reasonable and necessary medical treatment related to your work injury, including hospitalization, surgery, medication, and rehabilitation.
  • Wage replacement: Partial replacement of your lost wages while you’re unable to work due to your injury.
  • Permanent disability benefits: Compensation for permanent impairments or limitations resulting from your work injury.
  • Vocational rehabilitation: Assistance with job training or placement if you’re unable to return to your previous position due to your injury.

However, navigating the workers’ compensation system can be complex and frustrating, particularly when you’re dealing with the physical and emotional effects of a serious injury.

The experienced workers’ compensation attorneys at Allen & Allen can help ensure that you receive the full benefits you’re entitled to under the law.

Third-party claims for construction accidents

In some cases, another party’s negligence causes construction accidents. Common third parties include contractors and subcontractors, property owners, and equipment manufacturers.

When this happens, injured workers may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the responsible party in addition to receiving workers’ compensation benefits.

Third-party claims can provide additional compensation for damages that are not covered by workers’ compensation, such as:

  • Pain and suffering: Compensation for the physical and emotional distress caused by your injuries.
  • Full wage loss: Recovery of the portion of your lost wages not covered by workers’ compensation benefits.
  • Loss of future earning capacity: Compensation for the impact of your injuries on your ability to earn a living in the future.
  • Punitive damages: In cases of egregious negligence or intentional misconduct, the court may award punitive damages to punish the responsible party and deter similar behavior in the future.

Identifying and pursuing third-party claims requires a thorough understanding of the legal issues involved and the ability to conduct a detailed investigation into the circumstances of your accident.

The knowledgeable attorneys at Allen & Allen have the skills and resources necessary to explore all potential avenues of recovery and fight for the maximum compensation you deserve.

How long do I have to file a construction accident lawsuit in Virginia?

In Virginia, the statute of limitations for most personal injury claims, including construction accident lawsuits, is two years from the date of the injury.

However, this time limit may differ for workers’ compensation claims or claims against government entities. In addition, critical evidence and witnesses’ memories can fade over time, making it more difficult to build a strong case as time passes.

For these reasons, speak with an experienced construction accident attorney as soon as possible after your accident. The sooner you seek legal guidance, the better you’ll protect your rights and more quickly secure the compensation you need.

Frequently asked questions about Virginia construction accidents

What Are the Causes of Construction Accidents?

If you’re injured in a construction accident, your first priority should be seeking medical attention for your injuries. Report the accident to your employer as soon as possible and follow their instructions for filing a workers’ compensation claim.

Consult an experienced construction accident attorney who can explain your legal rights and options.

Can I sue my employer for a construction accident?

In most cases, workers’ compensation laws prohibit employees from suing their employers for work-related injuries. However, exceptions to this rule cover when an employer intentionally causes harm or fails to carry required workers’ compensation insurance.

An attorney can help you determine whether you have grounds for a lawsuit against your employer.

What if my loved one died in a construction accident?

If you lost a loved one in a fatal construction accident, we are sorry for your loss.

Certain family members, such as spouses, children, or parents, can bring a wrongful death action against those responsible. The damages you recover can provide financial relief for expenses such as funeral costs, lost income, and loss of companionship.

An attorney can explain your rights and guide you through the process of filing a claim.

Contact an experienced Virginia construction accident attorney today

If a construction accident hurts you or a loved one in Virginia, take action quickly to get the compensation you need. The skilled and compassionate Virginia personal injury lawyers at Allen & Allen are here to fight for your rights and future.

Contact us today at 866-388-1307 for your free consultation and begin the process of getting the full and fair compensation you deserve.

Office Locations for Construction Accident Cases

Injury Types

Catastrophic Injuries

Any injury that affects the functioning of the spine, spinal cord, skull, or brain can lead to limited cognitive functioning and mobility. Permanent disabilities as a result of a severe automobile crash can have a major impact on a victim's quality of life and financial means.

Wrongful Death

The death of a family member due to a fatal accident caused by someone else's negligence can be emotionally and financially devastating. While families are left trying to cope with a tragedy, Allen & Allen can help you recover damages through reimbursement or compensation for the dramatic changes that will follow.

Dog Bite Injury Resources

Our Client Process

For over 100 Years we have been tailoring our process to the needs of our clients. From your free initial consultation through settlement or litigation, you can count on a team of compassionate advocates that care about your settlement.

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