Richmond Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Richmond Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Richmond Motorcycle Accident Lawyer

Bike events, including the Virginia Moto Classic and RVA Bike Night, bring thousands of motorcycle enthusiasts to Richmond each year. But riders don’t need an occasion to enjoy Richmond’s open air and gentle rolling hills.

When motorcyclists take to the streets, they are at risk of being struck by a motor vehicle. Unfortunately, motorcycle accidents can leave even skilled riders with catastrophic, if not deadly, injuries.

If you or a loved one suffered injuries in a motorcycle crash, you need a Richmond motorcycle accident lawyer who will treat you with compassion and respect. A lawyer who will help you hold accountable those who caused your injuries and seek the compensation you deserve for your medical bills and other losses.

When you hire a lawyer from Allen & Allen, your fight for justice becomes our fight. We will ensure the insurance company treats you fairly in your pursuit of justice. Don’t let the insurance company devalue or deny your claim. Contact the personal injury lawyers at Allen & Allen today, and let us fight for you.

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Richmond Motorcycle Accident Guide

Why Choose Allen & Allen for Your Motorcycle Accident Claim?

Best Lawyers Allen & Allen Ones to Watch 2024

Allen & Allen was founded by George E. Allen in 1910 to provide citizens of Virginia injured in accidents with compassionate and trustworthy legal representation. Since then, our firm has grown exponentially under those same guiding principles.

Our lawyers have recovered hundreds of millions in verdicts and settlements for our clients during one of their greatest times of need. We can help you, too.

Contact us today to discuss your motorcycle accident case during a free consultation with a member of our legal team. We can help you get the compensation and justice you deserve.

How Much Does a Motorcycle Accident Attorney Cost?

When you are dealing with the aftermath of a motorcycle accident, you shouldn’t have to deal with legal expenses. The motorcycle accident attorneys at Allen & Allen work on a contingency fee basis. You pay no money upfront. Our fee comes out of the compensation we recover for you. During your free and confidential consultation, we can explain how our contingency fee arrangement works and how we will work to ensure you receive the best possible outcome in your case.

The fee you pay us is an investment. According to the Insurance Research Council, people who retain a lawyer to handle their personal injury claim recover significantly more compensation than those who handle these claims on their own—about 40% more, which is far above and beyond any fee you pay us. Contact us today to discuss how we can work for you.

How Common Are Richmond Motorcycle Accidents?

Fatal motorcycle accidents have increased in the U.S. over the past decade, with nearly 6,000occurring last year, according to the National Safety Council. And they happen too often in Virginia.

According to the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles, motorcycle accidents make up about 1.7 percent of all traffic crashes in Virginia, but motorcycle fatalities make up 11 percent of all traffic fatalities. Last year, Virginia saw 2,053 motorcycle crashes resulting in 1,677 injuries, including 762 serious injuries. A total of 111 motorcyclists died in crashes last year — an 8.8 percent increase over the previous year.

Virginia Helmet Laws

Virginia has a universal helmet law, which means that all motorcycle riders and passengers must wear a DOT-approved helmet, regardless of age. The helmet must fit snugly. If your motorcycle does not have a windshield, you must also wear eye protection, such as goggles or a face shield. Violating the helmet law is a Class 3 misdemeanor, which can result in a fine of $500.

Motorcycle helmets are one of the most effective ways to protect your head in a crash. Studies have shown that helmets can reduce the risk of death by up to 37 percent and the risk of brain injury by up to 67 percent.

Even a skilled rider cannot control the actions of other drivers. Wearing a helmet is one of the best things you can do to protect yourself in a crash. But even riders wearing helmets and protective gear can suffer severe and life-threatening injuries in a motorcycle crash. And not wearing a helmet does not excuse anyone from crashing into you.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Unlike cars, motorcycles offer very little protection. No seatbelts, airbags, or metal frames shield the rider in a crash. This leaves motorcyclists more exposed to direct impact with other vehicles or the road and more vulnerable to injury. Even when wearing helmets and protective gear, they are still at risk of suffering more severe injuries in accidents.

Common motorcycle accident injuries include:

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

  • Head Injuries: Head injuries are among the most severe injuries in motorcycle accidents. Traumatic brain injuries (TBI) can range from concussions to severe brain damage, even if the rider is wearing a helmet. This is why wearing a DOT-approved helmet is strongly recommended.
  • Road Rash: When riders are thrown from their motorcycle and slide on the road, they can suffer from road rash—essentially, friction burns. Road rash can range from minor scrapes to severe, deep wounds that require extensive treatment.
  • Broken Bones: Fractures are common in motorcycle accidents, with the most common injuries involving the arms, legs, and collarbones. These injuries can vary from simple fractures to complex compound fractures.
  • Spinal Injuries: Motorcycle accidents can result in spinal cord injuries, which can cause paralysis or other long-term disabilities. These injuries can affect a rider’s mobility and quality of life.
  • Internal Injuries: Blunt force trauma can lead to internal injuries, including damage to organs such as the liver, spleen, and kidneys. Internal injuries may not always be immediately apparent and require prompt medical attention.
  • Burns: In some accidents, fuel leaks can result in burns, which can be particularly severe if the motorcycle catches fire.
  • Abrasions and Contusions: In addition to road rash, riders can sustain abrasions, bruises, and contusions due to contact with the road or other objects during a crash.
  • Muscle and Ligament Injuries: Sprains and strains of muscles and ligaments can occur, often due to the body’s rapid movements during a collision.
  • Psychological Trauma: Motorcycle accidents can lead to psychological trauma, such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), which can have lasting emotional and mental health effects on the rider.

What Compensation is Available in a Motorcycle Accident Claim?

What Compensation is Available in a Motorcycle Accident Claim

Compensation in a motorcycle accident claim can vary based on the severity of injuries, the circumstances of the accident, and the applicable insurance policies.

In general, compensation can be categorized into the following types:

  • Medical Expenses: This includes compensation for past and future medical bills related to treating injuries resulting from the accident. It covers hospital stays, surgeries, rehabilitation, prescription medications, and medical equipment.
  • Property Damage: Motorcycle and personal property damage (e.g., gear or accessories) may be covered by compensation. This typically involves the cost of repairing or replacing the motorcycle and damaged items.
  • Pain and Suffering: Compensation can pay for physical and emotional pain and suffering and the impact of the injuries on the individual’s quality of life. This often subjective assessment can vary significantly from case to case.
  • Lost Income: If the accident results in the victim’s inability to work, compensation may cover lost income and potential future lost earning capacity.
  • Loss of Consortium: This compensation may pay the spouse or family members of the injured party for the loss of companionship, support, or services due to the injuries.
  • Out-of-Pocket Expenses: Compensation can also include reimbursement for out-of-pocket expenses directly related to the accident, like transportation costs to medical appointments.
  • Wrongful Death: In cases where a motorcycle accident results in a fatality, surviving family members may seek compensation for funeral and burial expenses, loss of financial support, and emotional suffering through a wrongful death claim.

Who May You Hold Liable in a Motorcycle Accident?

Liability is not always clear-cut and often depends on the specific facts and evidence surrounding the accident. Motorcycle accident cases may involve multiple parties with varying degrees of liability, and determining the extent of each party’s responsibility can be complex. Here are some of the potential parties who may be held liable in a motorcycle accident case:

Other Motorists

The most common scenario involves holding another motorist, such as the driver of a car, truck, or motorcycle, liable for the accident. If the other driver’s negligence, such as reckless driving, failure to yield, distracted driving, or violation of traffic laws, caused the accident, they may be held responsible.

Government Entities

Poor road conditions or inadequate road maintenance can sometimes contribute to motorcycle accidents. If a road defect, such as potholes, lack of proper signage, or poorly designed intersections, caused the accident, you can hold a government entity responsible for your injuries.


If a defective motorcycle part or accessory contributed to the accident, you can hold the manufacturer or distributor of the defective product liable. This could involve faulty brakes, tires, helmets, or other components.


If the at-fault driver operated a vehicle as part of their employment at the time of the accident, you can hold their employer liable under the legal doctrine of respondeat superior. This holds employers responsible for the actions of their employees when acting within the scope of their employment.

Third Parties

In some situations, you can hold third parties who were not directly involved in the accident liable. For example, if a negligent mechanic or service provider improperly maintained the motorcycle, resulting in an accident, you can hold them responsible.

How Can a Lawyer with Allen & Allen Help with My Motorcycle Accident Claim?

A lawyer can provide valuable assistance with a motorcycle accident claim in several ways, helping you navigate the complex legal process and maximize your chances of obtaining fair compensation for your injuries and losses.

A lawyer with Allen & Allen can:

  • Assess the details of your case and provide an initial evaluation of the strength of your claim and the potential value of your case
  • Thoroughly investigate the accident by reconstructing it, identifying liable parties, and establishing the elements of negligence.
  • Handle all communication with insurance companies, negotiate on your behalf, and ensure you receive a fair settlement.
  • Work with you to document your damages, including medical expenses, lost earnings, property damage, and pain and suffering.
  • Calculate the full extent of your losses, including future medical expenses, lost earning capacity, and non-economic damages.
  • File a lawsuit on your behalf and represent you in court if negotiations fail to result in a fair settlement offer.
  • Explain legal options, such as pursuing a lawsuit, arbitration, mediation, or settlement.

The personal injury attorneys at Allen & Allen work on a contingency fee basis, which means we only get paid if you win your case. This can alleviate financial concerns and make legal representation more accessible.

Contact the Motorcycle Accident Lawyers at Allen & Allen Today

Motorcycle Accident Attorney, Parker Allen

Parker Allen, Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Richmond

If you or a loved one were in a motorcycle accident, you understand the physical, emotional, and financial challenges that can follow.

Protect your rights and seek the compensation you deserve. The experienced Richmond motorcycle accident lawyers at Allen & Allen are here to help you navigate this difficult journey.

Don’t wait to secure your future and get the justice you deserve. Contact us today at (866) 552-5683 for your free consultation and discuss your case with us. Our Richmond personal injury attorney have a proven track record of success in handling motorcycle accident claims and are ready to fight for you.

Our Richmond office

Allen, Allen, Allen & Allen

1809 Staples Mill Road
Richmond, VA 23230