Scott is the great grandson of the Allen Law Firm’s founder, George E. Allen, Sr., and is the fourth generation of the Allen family to join the law firm. He is a Richmond, VA personal injury attorney focusing his practice on motorcycle crash cases, truck accident cases and car accident cases in Richmond, VA area. Scott is dedicated to protecting the best interests of his clients and defending their rights against insurance companies. To learn more about Scott, visit:
Video Transcript: My name is Scott Fitzgerald. I am a trial attorney here, at Allen & Allen. When clients come to us, it is one of the most stressful and confusing times of their lives. They have just been injured in an accident and they do not know what the next step is. We can help them with that. From the very beginning of the case, we advise our clients how to best protect their interests. I want clients to know that I am aggressive and passionate about everything I do, and in particular, the practice of law. I am the first of the fourth generation of Allens to join the firm. I grew up hearing stories from my grandfather and great-grandfather about all the clients they had helped. From an early age, I wanted to follow in their footsteps. We are Allen & Allen. Call us.