Auto accident plaintiff needed multiple neck and spine surgeries
By: Virginia Lawyers Weekly
Published: December 29, 2014
Source: http://valawyersweekly.com/2014/12/29/auto-accident-plaintiff-needed-multiple-neck-and-spine-surgeries-2500000-settlement/
Settlement: $2,500,000
Attorney for plaintiff: Malcolm P. McConnell, III
Type of action: Personal injury – auto accident
The plaintiff was a 55-year-old nurse who was rear-ended while stopped in traffic. She suffered significant neck injuries, undergoing multiple injections and three separate spine surgeries involving discectomy, fixation and fusion at the cervical and lumbar levels.
The defense admitted liability but denied that any of the surgeries were related to the collision, and also denied that she was a candidate for the surgeries she had.
The plaintiff incurred/claimed $778,000 in medical expenses and more than $120,000 in lost earnings. The case settled in mediation six weeks before trial.
Type of action: Personal injury – auto accident
Injuries alleged: Spine injuries; herniated discs
Resolved by: Mediation
Mediator: Michael Allen
Verdict or settlement: Settlement
Amount: $2,500,000
Attorney for plaintiff: Malcolm P. McConnell III, Richmond
Plaintiff’s experts: Thomas Schuler, M.D., spine surgeon, Reston; Christopher Good, M.D., spine surgeon, Reston; Robert Podolsky, M.D., vascular surgeon, Reston
Defendants’ experts: Ian Wattenmaker, M.D., spine surgeon, Fairfax; Joel Bowers, neuroradiologist, Washington