New Year’s Eve was a little safer in Central Virginia, as Allen & Allen hosted the tenth year of their Sober Ride Home program! The firm partnered with multiple businesses throughout Richmond to distribute Lyft codes for up to $25 off a Sober Ride Home on New Year’s Eve.
And in celebration of the program’s 10th anniversary, the firm gave away ten $100 Lyft gift cards, to help Virginians celebrate safely throughout 2024. We partnered with Ball of Fire Entertainment, who hosted trivia nights at bars and restaurants throughout Richmond. They distributed Lyft codes as prizes. The Sober Ride Home program was featured at events in some of the hottest spots in town, including The Jasper’s Miracle on Cary, a holiday-themed pop-up bar that always has lines going around the block! Other locations included The Hoff, Bingo Beer, Slingshot, and Buskey Cider.
We were thrilled to have media coverage from Richmond to Charlottesville. Attorney Courtney Winston gave interviews with multiple TV stations to hype the program, and social media promoted Sober Ride Home with multiple posts, photos, and graphics.
Allen & Allen’s mission is to protect the injured, and felt it was important to contribute to road safety on one of the most dangerous nights of the year. Here’s to a happy and safe 2024!