Adopt-The-Troops Campaign Receives Heartfelt Thanks From Troops
(Richmond, VA, October 19, 2007)
Excerpt of Letter from Nathan P. Hepler, 1LT, Infantry
Executive Officer, A/1-503 (Airborne)
“Thanks for blowing us away!!! …This morning, …a helicopter brought a pile of packages from you all. Thanks so much for your kindness and generosity!
We hooked up the coffee and espresso maker in Tillman lounge… Thanks for the excellent choices of coffee, the kind that reminds us of home…
Thanks as well for the great books, magazines, and even HALO 3. All were excellent, but HALO has been played nonstop today. Good work! The board games were perfect too. We were just looking for Monopoly the other day and no one had it.
The snacks are excellent. You seem to know exactly what we want. Drink mixes are as valuable as gold when you’ve been out for more than an hour in the heat walking up and down the hills…or just baking in a humvee for that matter. The cliff bars and granola bars are absolutely perfect. They lasted approximately 5 minutes after arrival… Eyes lit up as each package was opened…
Thanks for the hygiene items to balance all of this out. Good toothpaste, razors, and deodorant are some of the hardest things to get, and for some reason the guys don’t work as hard to try to come by these things. The socks are priceless and will quite simply save feet this winter. Thanks for the bandanas as well. They do work well and there were enough to go around…
Thanks for your support. The packages mean a lot to the guys here. We really need to be told often that you guys are behind us. It makes for a better war fighter, one who doesn’t lose sight of the objective of a better Afghanistan and a safer America. Please spread our thanks around your firm. We’ll keep you updated!
– Nate”