In February 2011, the Allen Law Firm continued their Adopt-the-Troops campaign by sending donations to two Virginia units stationed in Afghanistan. The firm’s attorneys and staff received the following thank you from the 3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Divison:
To the Law Firm of Allen, Allen, Allen, & Allen,
On behalf of the 3rd Brigade, 1st Infantry Division I would like to say thanks for your recent support to the Soldiers of 3-1 IBCT. In the past 45 Days we have received 18 boxes ranging from toiletries, snacks, coffee, and books. These items were well received by the Soldiers in the Brigade Headquarters. The most recent arrival came after inclimate weather had prevented any aircraft from delivering mail for 5 days. I can honestly report back to you that the experience of receiving your shipments was like Christmas all over again. No sooner was a box been opened that the contents were claimed by grateful Soldiers.
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for the support that you have provided us. Although we have been here for only two months, you have made enduring a deployment that took us away from our families and friends during the holiday season more bearable and more comfortable. I hope to one day come to you and thank each of you individually for your gracious support. God bless you for your support and God bless the United States of America.
MAJ Christopher L. Dykes
FOB Salerno, Afghanistan
“Duty First”